Brian's Community Service Reflections

The team decided to do three projects that would benefit our community and meet the requirements set forth by our professor. We decided to put together a drive for supplies for The Hope House, volunteer to feed the needy at The Fredericksburg Baptist Church, and contribute to a family in need by supplying the resources to purchase all the necessary food to prepare a grand Thanksgiving feast.
My drive for the Hope House started with me requesting needed supplies for them through various forms of social media and by posting a donation site at work. It was a great feeling to get people involved and the excitement of supplying and spearheading donations that people so desperately need is very fulfilling. Having people reach out to me with needed supplies and coordinating where and when to meet so that I could pick up the items was challenging but also exciting, because I knew I was making a difference in someone’s life that I have never met before. Good deeds can pay enormous dividends that we all can share together.
The time spent at Fredericksburg Baptist Church was very rewarding. We volunteered on three different occasions, two dinner servings and Thanksgiving Day for a breakfast service. My personal favorite was Thanksgiving morning. The aura that was inside that room that morning was something from a dream, when I think of how I want my America to be, it was on display that morning. People of all different diversities coming together for the betterment of humanity, there was no animosity, no hatred, no hurtful barbs being thrown.  Peace and harmony. What a glorious day it was. I will never forget the euphoria that I felt that morning. It set the tone for a memorable Thanksgiving Day. Having the opportunity to share a smile, say a simple hello, or indulge in a lengthy conversation was a great way to institute change in a divided world. We have the opportunity as leaders to make changes in society and it can start with understanding and love for mankind. We are all the same, we are all human, and we all have the ability to institute change.
I truly appreciate the opportunity that we had to serve our community. I feel that the lessons learned by this time shared as a team, as a community, and as a leader is priceless when I reflect back to my time of volunteerism. I know emotionally that I am filled with great joy and a feeling of accomplishment and betterment in humanity. I will continue to be a volunteer. It has completely changed my outlook on every aspect of human interaction, behavior, and leadership.

I thank you Dr. Kim for giving me this opportunity to grow as a leader.  Unbeknownst to me, when this class started I had no idea this would impact me as much as it has. It has changed  my world for the better.

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