Faranda's Community Service Reflections

Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, and change does not come without people becoming involved in their community and in the lives of their fellow person.  Growing up, being active in the community was something both my parents impressed upon my brother and I; and it was not an option. They would always say “ you live here, and where you live is a reflection of you, and you have responsibility to make the community better in any and every way possible.”  
Their parents who were very active in their communities, as well, also influenced both of my parents.  My paternal grandmother actually started the “School Dressing Days” program, proudly; this still takes place in Fredericksburg at the beginning of every school year.  This event provides school-aged children with clothing, shoes, hygiene products, and back to school items, which they otherwise may not have had the resources to acquire.  My grandmother was also on the board of the Fredericksburg Food Bank and helped raise money. She was also active with the Local Chapter of the American Cancer Society.  My maternal grandfather was a minister and President of Lion’s Club Chapter.  All of my memories of him are spending time helping someone else or raising funds to help our neighbors.
            The strong role models I was raised by created a lasting impression on me about the importance of being active in the community.  As a result, I volunteer regularly in the community for different events.  Annually, I volunteer to be a course Marshall for the Moss 5k, a foot race to support the Free Clinic.  During the holiday season I support Toys for Tots.  During inclement weather, I often help my elderly neighbor’s by shoveling their snow.

For me, when I volunteer I do not view it as a task or sacrifice.  It is just offering some help to someone, as I would want others to do for me if I was in the same situation.   My efforts are not always in a formal or organized manner either.  Given my role models, I was also taught to take care of others. Sometimes this means that I may buy someone a meal, offer to make a phone call, help change a flat tire or help push a car out of the road.  It has been instilled in me to be active in my community.  For me this comes as naturally as breathing, just being involved and being of assistance to anyone in need regardless of necessity or ability, to me is being a good human.

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