Discussion Questions

1. Compare the experiences of the two employees (Ting and Lisa). Which boss would rather work for? Why?
2. Think about the leadership theories that were covered in this chapter and determine which leadership styles are exemplified in the two scenarios? Which ones should have been used
3. What steps could Lisa have taken to develop a higher level LMX relationship or “manager her boss” more effectively? Do you think this would work in this case
4. What were the outcomes for each of the employees and companies in these two scenarios? Thinking about these outcomes, why is it important for organizations to have effective leaders

1. Ting and Lisa have very different supervisors, with Tings being more supportive of her in her time of financial need and went above and beyond by even organizing a team of people to her move. In contrast, Lisa’s boss was very detached from her and provided her neither support nor feedback regarding her work performance. I would rather work for Ting’s boss because I personally like to work in a supportive environment, where the upper level management is willing to extend courtesies to its employees in their time of need. It builds goodwill and cements employee loyalty to the company, and those employees will always speak positively about the company even after they have moved on professionally.

2. Lisa - Laissez- Faire Leadership - used; Active management by exception or Individualized Consideration

Ting - Idealized Influence - used; Contingent Reward

3. Once Lisa completed the the reconciliation, and did not hear anything from Samantha, she could have followed up with her to ensure that she was meeting expectations. She could have also paid attention to how Samantha interacted with the other employees. Also since no one took the initiative to introduce themselves to Lisa, she could have made an effort to introduce herself to her colleagues, and she may have been able to get valuable insight as to how things operate within that organization. Having that knowledge and a friendly rapport with her colleagues may have made Lisa feel more part of the team.. II do think that this would have made a difference in Lisa work environment, in that she would not have felt so alone and disconnected from everyone.

4. Ting’s employer benefitted by having a top notch employee who fiercely advocated and protected the reputation of the company, In contrast, Lisa’s employer on the hand lost a potentially valuable employee, and if they have just spent some time with her, they too could have retained their staff. However, now they must start all over again, because Lisa was only there for one year.

These outcomes demonstrate why it is important to have effective leaders who are able to provide employees with the leadership and support that they need to attain their full professional potential. Poor leadership causes employees to seek employment with another organization that they feel can give them what they need to be successful. In contrast good leadership causes employees to want to give optimal performance everyday to help the organization be successful, because the company is meeting their needs.

1. Tings boss is worried about the welfare of her employee. I would like to work in the environment where I know I am a person who matters to my employer.
2. Lisa is very laid back, laissez faire. Ting is a transformational leader, she encourages positive actions in leaders and grows leaders.
3. There needs to be more communication. Using the items reviewed in the text Lisa could have approached her boss before becoming frustrated and leaving. Perhaps no one had told Samantha how she is being received by her employees.
4. Ting will speak fondly of the supervisor; Lisa will not be the best resource to promote the company in a favorable manner.

1. Ting’s boss because they are more compassionate to their employees and it is a great atmosphere to work in.
2. Lisa- non leadership, laissez faire leadership. Ting- transformational leadership, individualized consideration.
3. Use all 6 of the steps discussed on page 32 of our text and also speak with her boss and open up a line of communication and feedback.
4. Ting loves her company she works for and will promote them every chance she gets. Lisa will only say negative things about her previous employer and will look to never repeat the situation in her future.

1. We discussed this question in great detail, with Faranda noting that maybe Samantha was overwhelmed with her workload and could not give Lisa the time that maybe she wanted and that Lisa needed. However, Brian pointed out that even if Samantha was too busy, when Lisa finished the reconciliation she could have at least let her know that she was pleased with her work, so that Lisa could have had some form of acknowledgement. Everyone was really impressed by the lengths that Ting’s employer went to help and support their employee. The whole group noted how nice it would be to work for an employer as benevolent as Ting’s. We all agree that we would rather work for TIng’s boss because he was there for her when she really needed it, and most companies do not assist people with their personal issues unless they are invested in their employees personally and professionally.
2. We all agreed that Lisa’s supervisor was very hands off and had a laissez faire style of leadership, and she would have been more effective has she employed a transformational or individualized consideration. This would have enabled her to provide Lisa with a level of support and feedback that would have reduced her sense of isolation from the established group.

In the case of Ting’s supervisor we agreed that this individual had a transformational leadership style, which resulted in Ting transforming into one of the highest and best performing members of their company. We also came to the conclusion that the supervisor may have gotten even better results from Ting’s new found enthusiasm by using contingent reward style, where they were assist her if and when she meets a performance goal.

3. We all agreed that Lisa do not self advocate to make herself part of the team. Introductions are a two way street, and just because you are the new person does not mean that you do not have a responsibility to introduce yourself to your new colleagues and supervisor. An initial introduction may have given Lisa a great deal of insight into the organization, as well as an opportunity to have a discussion with her supervisor regarding how feedback is given and becoming aware of professional expectations. She also would have an opportunity to learn who she could consult if she was having difficulty with an assignment like the reconciliation.

4. We discussed the major differences between the Ting’s work environment and that of Lisa’s and agreed that Ting’s work environment is one that fostered loyalty, respect, and a feeling of belonging. This is why Ting will almost always advocate and protect the reputation of this company, even after she is no longer working there because her experience was so positive she will most likely continue to hold the company and its leadership in high regard and sing them praises. In contrast, Lisa did not have a work environment that made her feel that she was part of the team, in any shape, fashion, or form. As result, Lisa left her job and found employment elsewhere. As a consequence, Lisa will not speak highly of this company nor how they treat their employees, which means this company could miss out on potential business opportunities as well as quality employees.

These outcomes demonstrate why it is important to have effective leaders who are able to provide employees with the leadership and support that they need to attain their full professional potential. Poor leadership causes employees to seek employment with another organization that they feel can give them what they need to be successful. In contrast good leadership causes employees to want to give optimal performance everyday to help the organization be successful, because the company is meeting their personal needs in some way.