Core Self Evaluations

Faranda’s Perspective:
I have a high core self-evaluation which means tI am confident in my abilities and think highly of myself.  I definitely do not have a self-esteem problem and anyone who challenges my ability to do some thing, I work even hard just to prove to them how capable I am.  A few years ago I bought a house and I could have moved in right away, but I decided to gut the house and redo the interior.  Plenty of people told me that I would not be able to complete the task; I felt this increased the challenge.  I completed the renovation and did about 80% of the work myself; however this is not something i would do again, but I know I am capable of doing the work.

Cheryl’s Perspective:
Wow!  Our group has a pretty high self-core value.  This is great.    I have also found from working with this group we are also very inquisitive, and what to know why a lot!  A high self-core does not mean we are over confident.  I have found from my group, we are confident in our abilities, but we want to ensure the others are in agreement with the efforts.  This has been a great experience!

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