Conflict Resolution Styles

Faranda’s Reflection:
I chose to use one individual from my professional life and one from my personal life, and I am very intrigued by the results of this assessment.  The individual from my professional life, I have to report to him regarding my organization’s performance in our workforce programs. He works for the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board and provides is programmatic guidance, oversight, and ensures we are in compliance.  The individual from my personal life is an individual who is very near and dear to me, but can push my buttons like no other.  

The results indicate I am really strong at avoiding and integrating in my professional life, and I am average in regards to dominating, compromising, and obliging. I believe this is due to the fact that I do not like unnecessary stress at work, this individual and I have worked together for at least the last 5 years, and the program that I operate, has quite a bit of room for interpretation regarding the governing regulations. This is individual and I will get into arguments, but they don’t get to the point of no return, it’s more like agree to disagree, and see what happens.  Often times the individual that I speak with, has a different interpretation than I do, and we will discuss our differences, and leave it alone until we have more guidance on that issue.  For me it is not worth getting into a conflict with someone that I really enjoy working with, when nothing in my program is really definitive. Even if I know this individual would prefer if I did not do something, I will do it if I feel that it is justified and in the best interest of my client.  I rarely asks for permission, but I also do not spend a lot of time apologizing either. We know each other and he knows that I am going to do what I feel is in the best interest of the client at that time and if I get cited for it, we will correct it, learn from it, and keep it moving.  There is a mutual respect in that we both are trying to do what is right by the client without making the powers at feel like we have no regard for their governing regulations, but still doing what is necessary to really help that young adult.

In my personal like the results indicate that I am really strong at integrating, but weak in dominating and avoiding, and I am average in compromising and obliging.  I am a bit of enigma because in my personal life I do tend to be a pleaser, but I am only that way with people that I genuinely care about.  With the individual that I used for this assessment I know that I am not as strong with them as I am with others that I am in conflict with in part because we have known each other for so long, we both know what to say or do to get the other one going, which is why I tend to be more open to coming to a mutual understanding, and will not necessarily do what I want to do, unless I know the other person is on board with what is transpiring at that time.  

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