How Much Perseverance Do You Have?

Faranda’s Reflection:
Prior to taking this self-assessment I believe myself to have high perseverance, and the results confirmed my belief.  Nonetheless, I am still unsure as to how much perseverance I actually have, because in all honesty I have never really had to struggle financially, emotionally, or physically.  I did overcome a severe stutter that took 6 years of intense speech therapy, but outside of that my life has always been very comfortable.  When I look at the situations of that many of the people I come into contact with on a daily basis, I am not so sure that I would have been able to persevere and obtain the same level of success that I have experienced thus far. I was very fortunate to have supportive parents, and while they could not afford to send me to college, instilled in me the importance of education and going to college.  They were very supportive in college and subsidized me in other ways to ensure that I could get to and from work and school, and had everything I needed to be prepared and able to perform in my classes.  I am not trying to be hard on myself or detract from my accomplishments but this assessment really made me think about how much perseverance I actually have. It is easy not to quit when you have support and the belief in yourself that you can finish what you started.  However, if I experienced a series of unfortunate events like, my parent’s lost their home, no transportation, lack of food, lack of guidance and support, I am not positive that I would have went to college and be working on my MBA, I like to believe I would have and would be, but am not 100% sure that I would have persevered.  

Cheryl’s Reflection:
My score states I have: High perseverance.  I agree with this, but I can be side tracked also.  I tend to multitask, a lot.  It seems I always have many ‘balls-in-the –air’ at a time.  I do this so I always have something to focus on.  However, sometimes when I have too many things going on I can get overwhelmed.  I am a hard worker, and have found as I have gotten older and learned more, I have come to find better balances. (Most days)
Brian’s Reflection:

--> Upon completion of the assessment I checked my scores with the interpretation provided in the text. My score states that I have: Very high perseverance: You are not a quitter. You stay with the tasks to the finish and overcome obstacles. You stay focused and don’t get sidetracked. I would completely agree with the assessments analysis provided by the text. I am very motivated and like to see tasks through to completion. I have frequently been labeled a hard worker, I just see things that need to be completed and I take care of them.

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